Sunday, May 19, 2024

30 Days in May Bonus: No. 86, Al Loquasto, 1976 Frostie Root Beer McLaren/Offy


Penske Entertainment/Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Al Loquasto was bumped in the final minutes of qualifying for the
1975 Indianapolis 500, but made it the next year.

Welcome to our monthlong countdown celebrating notable drivers and cars from the Indianapolis 500!

After several years of trying, Al Loquasto finally qualified for the Indianapolis 500 in 1976, earning the 24th starting spot. He was still running when the race was red-flagged because of rain and considered complete after 102 laps. The year before, I got a sticker of his car from his team as I roamed the fence by the pits, seeking autographs.

Unfortunately, Loquasto suffered a sort of dubious distinction that year. He was the first qualifier for 1975, then began to be pushed down the order as faster cars qualified. Eventually, Loquasto was bumped all the way out, so it was nice that he finally got in the field the next year. He also drove in the 1977 race and finished 28th. Helping Loquasto’s effort was legendary mechanic Clint Brawner, the wrench on Mario Andretti’s 1969 winner.

I had a sticker like this. 

#ThisIsMay #Indy500 @IMS @IMSMuseum @IndyCar

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